Hints for Future Musicians Students and Parents

Future Musicians' program is designed to fit your needs, your schedule and your budget. Future Musicians will provide you with educationally sound sequential instrumental music in the most convenient location - your own school. And best of all, the lessons take place in a small group setting during the course of the regular school day. Fees are very affordable.

Parents play a major role in a music student's success. Here are some ways to show interest and encourage your child: ( You need not know how to read music or play an instrument to be a strong motivator )

  • Meet the teacher
  • Attend school concerts and band parent meetings
  • Encourage participation in our special bands
  • Encourage your child to play for your family and friends. Praise their efforts and encourage repetition when needed
  • Help your child to remember their instrument, music stand, etc.
  • Be patient. It takes a full year properly assess a student's interest, progress, and probability of success in instrumental music
  • Help your child to establish a daily practice routine>
  • Be sure your student uses a music stand to ensure proper playing posture
  • Help record your child's progress on their practice card. Be sure to sign it each week
  • Most importantly, encourage your child to practice regularly. Do not try to do it all in one day